Monday, February 12, 2007

Write this in your journal....I was productive!!!

I had a really great weekend... A typical weekend for me consists of staying up too late, spending too much money, sleeping through at least half the day, not getting anything done, and having that sinking feeling in my stomach that I'll be back at work Monday morning. This weekend was different, though.

Saturday morning I held my first Mary Kay class in a loooong time, like 6 months. I had 3 guests. It was really good to get back in the saddle. I love watching people try the product and seeing the look on their face when they realize how much they like it! :)

Saturday night I saw Pan's Labyrinth with a date. The movie was excellent. I didn't know ahead of time that it was all English subtitles, but after a few minutes my eyes got used to reading the words and taking in the full screen. It was a great movie...highly recommended by me!!

Sunday I finally got some organizing done. I got several boxes moved from my bedroom into my storage unit, put up curtains in my bedroom (very pretty), and started organizing my Mary Kay office. On top of all of that, I got 5 loads of laundry done and watched 2 1/2 movies. I thought Employee of the Month was going to be an incredibly stupid movie, but it was pretty funny. I still think Jessica Simpson is ...... I don't even know..... A disappointment.

So, unlike my typical weekends, I was pretty productive. My room is slowly taking shape, and it feels good to feel at home somewhere. It's been a long time since I've felt that way.

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