Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What the hell?

How can anyone be angry for over a month? I upset my husband, and he is holding a grudge like no woman you have ever met. I've tried apologizing over and over...I've tried to arrange "dates" where we could go out with other couples, I attempt to connect physically, even if only rubbing his shoulder for a minute or giving him a hug. It's a cold shoulder I am receiving and I don't understand. Why are relationships so hard? I believe 100% that the only thing that destroys relationships is pride. Whether one or both people in a relationship are being prideful, there are going to be problems. An absence of pride is characterized by communication, willingness to hear and understand, seeing a need to validate eachother and compromise when needed, emotional as well as physical intimacy, care and concern for the well-being of the other. And so many more characteristics... I hope it can heal, but I really worry that the longer it continues like this, the worse it will get and the harder it will be to change. I love my husband... I hope he still loves me too.

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