Monday, January 22, 2007

Patchwork Quilt

I was reading some other blogs today, and really liked one of them... Here's an exerpt from one of her entries...boy is she a powerful writer.

"I do have a hole in my heart. Many of them actually. And I cherish every single one of them. Each of those holes is there because I ripped pieces of myself out and gave them to people I have loved along the, friends, lovers, boyfriends. And for the rest of their lives, no matter what the circumstance, that piece of me belongs to them and them alone. And in turn, they gave me pieces of their hearts that I carry with me proudly. If I could show it to you, it would look like a patchwork quilt that has been carefully woven. And while it may not all fit together perfectly and it might not be shiny and whole...the beauty is in the flaws."

Her words hit a very strong moral fiber of mine...that as Alfred, Lord Tennyson said, "Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." I have been belittled and demeaned for my continual faith in love and willingness to give it away so freely. My ex-husband thought me a fool for leaving such a tender heart so unguarded. So, I commemorate Joan (seveninchesofsense) for being a fellow fool... When the time comes for us to set our lives on the balance, there will be no deficit when it comes to giving love.

1 comment:

Joan Crawford said...

Thanks Alison. It's always been my opinion that the world and other people can do what they will, but the only thing we can ever really control is how we react. If we let all the bitterness and pain in the world make us jaded, we lose.

The real fools are the ones who allow outside circumstances and people to control them. The most profound thing my ex-husband ever said to me was, "You know, you get to control a lot of things in your world, but how I feel is not one of them."